
The Soyuznikis-UK welcome ideas from men and women of different professions and specialties, in order to achieve its aims and objectives which are embedded in our constitution. We started as a group of Nigerian students who did graduate and post graduate studies in the former Soviet Union and are now living in the United kingdom.

Because of this shared experience a common bond has grown and continues to strengthen since the founding members put forward this concept in motion in the summer of 2007. A community’s heritage resources comprise the events, people and things that have made the community what it is. Unquantifiable attributes include memories, ideas, traditions and knowledge relating to the people, events and the way of life that have shaped their community.

We the Soyuznikis-UK are no different. We meet every last Saturday of each month (excluding December) to discuss relevant issues that might be affecting our members in both their domestic and professional lives. We proffer solution in-house where relevant and outsource if deemed necessary. The most salient of Members' obligation is to attend the regular monthly meetings and execute their financial obligations as stipulated in the constitution.

Nigeria The Formative Years

Please do watch this very Powerful, Informative, Educative and Evocative video. It captures the essence of Nigeria with regards to socio-political changes for the last 100 years. In particular, the birth of Nigeria as we know it today from the two colonial protectorates - The North and The South. History as they say, provides a perspective on the problems of the present and the future - enjoy.

Watch The Video

Learning Never Stops

If It Does, Life Would Be Worthless

Recent Meeting Portfolio

This was held at the premises of Paragon QMC a group of companies headed by Dr.Razak Oyebade. We had great fun especially seeing friends we have not met for some time. The atmostphere was cordial but very much business like until food and drinks were served

Recent Events

Archive April 2015

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